The Vampire Diaries is a Hollywood mystery horror series developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec. The storyline of the series is based on a young adult horror fiction book by L.J. Smith of the same name. The entire series consists of eight seasons until now with a total of 171 episodes. All the eight seasons premiered on The CW channel.
The show maintained its craze since the very first season but started declining gradually. When the series first aired, the first season had 4.19 million viewers while the eighth season ended up with only 0.98 million viewers. Well, now the speculations are about ‘The Vampire Diaries Season 9!’ The series last aired four years ago, but still, there are no talks about the ninth season!
Later, The Vampire Diaries series has become available to watch on Netflix after it aired on TV and received immense popularity again all over the world. Now, Netflix users are demanding The Vampire Diaries Season 9. When the series regained its popularity after streaming on Netflix, the show makers decided to renew the series for the ninth season hopefully.
Well, the main actors who were asked to reprise their roles in the upcoming season clearly refused the offer. However, the makers of the show decided to produce the ninth season with an entirely fresh cast. Currently, The Vampire Diaries Season 9 is under works and would premiere only when things get normal. The show had to premiere in March 2021, but the pandemic pushed back the release date.
It’s more than four years and people almost thought that the show was about to end but Netflix made this happen! Fans are so happy on hearing the news and they are looking forward to watching the show very soon. But the saddest part is the show is leaving Netflix and would launch on another platform.
We would miss the main actors in the ninth season but the show had to continue with the fresh actors. We are so excited about the new cast and the storyline! However, the premiere of The Vampire Diaries Season 9 is not official yet! We’ll get back to you when the upcoming season gets confirmed! Until then, you can stream all eight seasons on Netflix and suggest this beautiful drama to your friends if they haven’t watched it yet.